A Better Approach Leads to More Effective Supplements
All supplements are not created equal.
Knowing this, we at Bon Pharm have spent years developing a simple, yet powerful formula for creating incredibly potent and effective supplements. As a result, our supplements are a cut above the rest and actively help to improve the lives of people all over the world.
What is our formula for making our supplements more effective?
Applying the Latest Innovations
These days the pharmaceutical industry is innovating at a here-to-fore unheard of rate. Indeed, critical new breakthroughs are announced nearly every week. At Bon Pharm we spend considerable energy monitoring the truly revolutionary innovations and applying the most important ones to our range of supplements
Building a World-Class Team of Professionals
We’ve built a team of pharmaceutical all-stars that are taking research and production to a totally new level.
Employing Superior Production Standards
Worldwide, the highest standard for pharmaceutical production is the Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products (GMP) standard. At Bon Pharm each of our supplements is manufactured in the US or Italy and is produced at a standard that meets or exceeds the GMP standard. As such, our users can be confident that what they are buying is consistently effective, day-in and day-out.
A Commitment to Superior Efficacy
The fourth and most important aspect of what makes Bon Pharm supplements special is our total commitment to developing supplements with superior efficacy. This is our single-minded focus. It isn’t enough that what we produce works. Our aim is that with each new release we give our consumers the most effective supplements available anywhere.
Ultimately, it is this combination of superior innovation, superior people, superior production standards, and a commitment to superior efficacy that make Bon Pharm supplements truly unique in helping users worldwide improve the quality of their lives.
Manufacturing in accordance with GMP standards.
In the world practice, one of the most important documents defining the requirements to production and quality control of medicinal products for human use are the "Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products (GMP)".
Currently, the most important elements of the concept of GMP are:
Compliance with the entire process and control documentation for the production of the content of the registration dossier of the relevant product;
Strict control over keeping the rules, involving not only declared, but the actual implementation of sanctions for companies- rule breakers.
Manufacturing license, while working with GMP is valid for 5 years, in line with the international requirements and is internationally recognized.
They are focused on providing the high quality medicines and Dietary Supplements and suggest that the product for health is made in accordance with its formula (ingredient), does not contain anything else, properly labeled, packaged and does not spoil during its entire expiry date.
The international standard GMP (good manufactured practice) includes a large number of indicators, to which must correspond the corporations, producing a particular product.
GMP for pharmaceutical companies determine the parameters of each production stage – beginning from the material of which the floor in the department is made, the number of microorganisms in cubic meter of air, and ending to the clothes of employees and labels on product packaging.
You can also consider as a sign of the time, the introduction of strict methodological rules in the government work of normative control of medications: systems of quality, preventing conflicts of interests among the staff, to ensure the privacy of documentation, etc.
Today, as never before, there is a question of products quality manufactured by companies which deal with manufacturing of drugs and Dietary Supplements.

Creating rules and standards for production is necessary to ensure not only the efficiency but also the safety of their use.
Standards of GMP – are some rules for the production of Dietary Supplements, which are necessary for producing the high-quality, safe and effective product. Thus, GMP - is the norm for manufacturers to ensure the quality control of medicines and dietary supplements.
In order to certify the manufactured production, these inspecting authorities periodically inspect manufacturers and confirm that manufacturing processes comply with the GMP requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO).
Manufacturing license, while working with GMP is valid for 5 years, in line with the international requirements and is internationally recognized.

History of GMP
The history of GMP began in 1963 in the U.S.A, where there were developed special rules governing the conditions of quality and safe production of medicines - standard Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
And the first international document on GMP, developed by WHO, appeared in 1968. A little later - in 1969 a resolution was adopted by World Health Organization (WHO), which prescribes rules of GMP to all countries.
Starting in the 70s of last century, the concept of GMP has been widely spread around the world. In 1991, the new rules of GMP appeared for the European Union (GMP EU).
Meeting or Exceeding the Highest Standards
The most important standard in the pharmaceutical industry is the Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products (GMP) standard. The GMP standard is given only to those manufacturers that certifiably meet a stringent composite of different standards, starting with a high technological level in their laboratories and ending with the consistent efficacy of their products. Every single one of our supplements is produced at ultra-modern factories in either the USA or Italy, and each of them is certified to meet or exceed the GMP standard. For our users, our GMP standard certification is the highest possible stamp of approval that they are buying quality supplements that work consistently, the way they were designed to, day-in and day-out.