

What is healthy food?

Correspondence between calorie food that a person consumes, and the energy that it consumes the body. Human energy is expended to maintain body temperature, perform all the physiological functions and biochemical processes, performing mechanical work muscles, as well as digestion and assimilation of food. Calories the body gets out of the macronutrients, the name of the word comes from the word “macro” – big and long “Nutricia” – food. These are substances that a person should consume a lot of food, that is tens or hundreds of grams. FATS. Energy value of fat more than twice the energy value of protein or carbohydrate. So, fat containing products are the most calories. But do not abandon them altogether, because the fat – and even building material for the synthesis of compounds that serve as building material for cell membranes and other structures of the body.

Fatty acids are involved in the synthesis of compounds that regulate the mechanisms of immunity, allergies, and other processes.

Fats of animal origin due to their special chemical structure called rich, but flora – unsaturated. They have different physical properties, physiological and biochemical effects. High intake of saturated fatty acids leads to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, so their consumption should be limited. Another thing – vegetable fats. They include doctors especially distinguish the so-called polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega-6. Their use helps to prevent cardiovascular disease, a beneficial effect on the status of all body tissues. Your need for these beneficial fats can meet 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil per day and at least three servings of fish per week.

PROTEINS – this is the most important components of food. In humans, the proteins are broken down into amino acids, of which the very body synthesizes proteins needed him thousands with diverse functions. All the great variety of proteins – is, in fact, different combinations of 20 amino acids. Part of the amino acids can be converted into one another, and only 9 – for adult and 10 – for the child, that is, simply, are not synthesized by the body.

These amino acids must come every day throughout our lives as part of our intake of protein. It does not matter from which products will be available proteins: meat and potatoes, milk, or peas, fish or bread or other products – the main thing that you get all the essential and nonessential amino acids in sufficient quantities.

Most of the protein found in animal products: meat, fish, products , poultry, eggs. In significant quantities complete protein is present in legumes, that is, in peas, beans, lentils and soybeans, as well as in nuts and seeds.

Proteins – are the most important components of food.

Carbohydrates – The function of carbohydrates in the body, basically boils down to supply its energy. They are widely represented in plant foods in the form of complex carbohydrates such as starch and simple sugars – glucose and fructose. Fruits and vegetables contain both simple sugars and starches. All grains: wheat, cereals and pasta – contain mostly starch.

Of course, sugar, as well as containing sugar and confectionery, are sources exclusively simple carbohydrates. Consumption of large amounts of sugar leads to diabetes, obesity, tooth decay, cardiovascular disease.

So if you aspire to health, the number of sweets in your diet should be limited.

Fiber – As part of complex carbohydrates such distinguished polysaccharides such as cellulose, which is not absorbed by the body. Such substances are called dietary fibers, one of their representatives is the fiber. Dietary fiber is practically not digested. However, they significantly affect the processes: digestion, absorption and evacuation of food, but also important for maintenance of intestinal microflora.

Dietary fiber in large quantities found in vegetables and fruits, Grain , such as oats, as well as bran.

For the normal functioning of your body include in your diet and fruits and vegetables, cereals, and necessarily, and other vegetable products, meat and dairy products.

Much do you consume vitamins and minerals?

All about vitamins

Multivitamin complexes are needed for almost everyone. We talk, that need to know about the vital substances, why they need, how shows vitamin deficiencies, and why is best to drink multivitamins.

To prevent vitamin deficiencies, use of fortified food products (bread, milk).

Yet, vitamins and minerals for a balanced diet may not be enough, especially if Activity person is very low, and for the energy supply required is not very large volume of food. But, if physical activity is very high, the person needs additional trace elements and vitamins.

Check with your doctor, talk with your diet. He may advise you to use vitamin and mineral complexes or individual drugs.