

Prostate is not for nothing called the second heart of man. In this case, similar to a chestnut body, concentrated native male function. It should be noted that all diseases of the prostate occur unnoticed. A man may be uncomfortable for many years in the perineum and lower abdomen, to complain about the decline of erection while not even realize that the whole problem in the prostate.

Prostatitis occurs in men of any age, including teenagers and young adults. According to statistics, men aged 20-50 years, the disease occurs in 50-60% of cases. Experts note that the incidence of prostatitis has been steadily increasing.

Main factors of this growth – a sedentary lifestyle, promiscuous, indiscriminate use of antibiotics, systematic method of alcoholic beverages, as well as a state of chronic stress, which are more sensitive men.

Consequences of violations

Prostate can be very unpleasant: frequent nocturnal visits to the toilet, difficulty with urination, pain of varying intensity in the back and crotch.

For the prevention of prostate need:

  • manage adequately healthy diet;
  • give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol, overeating, etc.);
  • to increase physical activity;
  • avoid stress;
  • maintain a regular sex life;
  • diagnosis at least 1 time per year.

Products that increase potency:

  • mussels, shrimp, crayfish;
  • dairy products: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream;
  • onions and garlic. Bow fits any – green onions, leeks. It can be used in various dishes or separately.

But it’s better not to eat …

Products useless and even harmful to the potential are included in our daily diet.

Coffee or other energy drinks provide only a temporary effect. On the one hand, they increase the time for sexual attraction, but on the other hand, with their frequent use increases the load on the heart and blood vessels, the risk of thrombosis, heart attack.

Pasta, potatoes – it’s carbohydrates that give us a quick saturation, but completely useless for potency.

Bread, in this sense, can be helpful and harmful at the same time. The most useful bread – rye or bran in these types of bread contain vitamin B, essential for a stable erection. But the soft white bread from refined flour does not perform a similar function.

In conclusion we can say that a positive effect on the potency not only a variety of products, but also sports, performing physical activities and stay in the fresh air.

Foods that improve the potency

If you are interested in an active sex life and increase the potency, you should regularly have:

  • honey, nuts (walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts), sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, prunes;
  • meat, fish (flounder, mackerel);
  • of vegetables – onions, turnips, mushrooms.

Harmful effects of alcohol

Alcohol affects the reproductive system of men in three ways:

  • kills cells testicles;
  • reduces the number of normal sperm;
  • violates the relationship of the brain and sexual organs.

As a result, the blood enters an insufficient number of hormones needed for a full erection.

Potency and smoking

As research by British scientists, the burning of tobacco products disrupt the blood flow in male sex organs and, consequently, the production of sperm. Sperm cells lose their ability to fertilize, so the families in which there is a smoking spouse, before conceiving a child must give up this harmful habit.

Systematic smoking also increases the risk of prostate cancer in men. Eventually, the abuse of tobacco can lead to infertility and impotence.

By some estimates, male smokers sexual activity is two times lower than non-smokers, more than 80% of men with sexual dysfunction – smokers.

Sex and Drugs

Drugs – the most dangerous enemies of male potency. They not only inhibit sexual reflexes, inhibit the production of hormones, but also hinder the normal erection. Many men, after a long drug sexual function in the future is not restored.

Other bad habits

Gambling excite the nervous system, cause the blood run faster through the veins, causing the body produces a lot of adrenaline. But he spent as a rule, the psychological tension and expectation of winning. If you calculate how much sexual energy is spent on male game of poker, you get a number, raznoznachnoe three sexual acts.

Regular daily games on the computer distract the attention of men, causing them to focus on moving gaming figures. The harm from these games is shown in the “fading” of the organism in the same position, why is poor circulation, so important for good potency. As you know, the movement – this is life, and it’s hard to argue.